book your stay
Think of your stay at Atelier as a sabbatical of sorts: a place for you to get equal parts creative rejuvenation and entrepreneurial respite.
Through four weeks of self-discovery, integration, and action, we will transform your brand into the elevated room-with-a-view experience it is destined to become— curated down to the last detail and brimming with charm.
count me in, pls
True to its name, this four week branding retreat for creative entrepreneurs and service providers is a collaborative space for a meeting of the minds and a shifting of the mindsets.
That limiting belief that you can't run the business and be the business owner of your own dreams? We don't buy that, anymore. Lacking the strategic brand experience to support said life of said dreams? That's old news!
We're making it happen, you and I.
The trip is leaving the group chat, and we're embarking on an experience of evaluating your brand-- from messaging to visuals to strategy, etc. and so forth-- and how it actually supports the life you are aspiring after.
make your reservation
You’ve probably written it off for long enough now, don’t you think? I don’t know if anyone has told you this lately but that not-so-silly dream you’ve been stowing away is not only possible… it’s UNDENIABLE.
You were both made for this and made for more. I know it, you know it, and if you don't know it... then you’re about to.
Indeed, Atelier is a brand strategy initiative where we evaluate your brand experience from left to right, top to bottom, and everywhere in between. But it’s also where we approach it in a way that brings you back in line with your capacity to transform your ‘maybe someday’ into ‘much sooner than you think.’
Just like the dream vacay you never thought you'd be on, but suddenly are, Atelier is full of pinch-me moments where we verbalize, visualize, AND enact your vision.
someday starts today
+ a resolute (like, fiber-of-your-being level!) belief that what you bring to the table matters
+ conviction that your end game dream is entirely do-able
+ ease and assuredness in how you enact your brand
+ an unapologetic claiming of all of your parts and pieces so that you can show up more wholeheartedly in every aspect of your life
+ acknowledgment of the significant impact that you have on your clients and community
+ the verbiage to articulate who you are and what you uniquely do, with certainty (read: a brand manifesto and unique value proposition)
+ a thoughtful client experience that makes clients feel seen and deeply valued (read: audits for how to improve various touchpoints in your brand landscape)
+ a digital presence that makes prospective clients get serious FOMO and current/past clients run to tell all of their friends about you (read: a scroll-stopping brand strategy that captivates and inspires)
+ the tools to both drive conversion *and* support the converted in a sustainable way (read: tips for writing web copy and brand messaging that converts)
claim your spot
Just like that vacation of your dreams at the sun-soaked villa in Spain or cozy countryside cottage in the Cotswolds: No stay is ever quite long enough.
But, the ease doesn't have to end.
As each of the past guests at Atelier have discovered, the clarity they gained during their four week experience was that! dang! impactful! that they wanted to keep the measured momentum going, with their Creative Concierge right by their side. (Like, WHOA.)
Book your stay, and let's see where it takes us.
i'm so in
Loom video audits of various elements of your brand experience (i.e. specific pages of web copy, overall content marketing strategy, email scripts, workflows, etc.)
Personalized video chat sessions (60 min each) to refine your brand’s messaging and ensure every word speaks directly to your ideal clients, curate your client’s experience, and more.
Unlimited opportunities to resource your concierge (me!) and workshop whatever your little heart desires
Notion dashboard customized to facilitate your luxury stay
Game plan for enacting brand enhancements, delivered via your Notion dash
31-page PDF workbook for workshopping foundational brand strategy elements, to include tone of voice, brand mottos, ideal client analysis, and more.
Initial discovery questionnaire, customized checklist for self-care and respite throughout your stay, and a library of tutorials for practical brand application
All over the course of four weeks of intimate coaching, comprised of a feel-good balance of introspection and implementation.
you had me at amenities
No earthly idea who you are anymore, like you got too caught up in the business-owning part that you forgot there’s a whole being-a-human part
Unable to articulate what you actually *do* as a service provider, beyond the surface level description
Not charging near what you want to (or should be) because you feel like you’re not giving clients an experience worthy of that investment
Making aimless moves in your business that feel like a whole lot of shooting from the hip
Battling imposter syndrome like it’s your job, making your REAL job feel more like a chore than anything
Resolute in who you are and how that you embody that in your brand and business
Able to pinpoint THE defining characteristic of your work in the world, at the drop of a hat
Upping your prices to exactly where they should be because your client experience is a proverbial home run
Operating exclusively from a place of alignment and intention
Equipped with the necessary mindset shifts to give imposter syndrome a run for its money so that you can do your job in peace and quiet, thanks very much
I’ve taken to calling it my creative street cred.
What makes me the person to guide you on this journey of reflection, alignment, integration, and general get-shxt-done-ness? Creative street cred.
The reason my savoir-faire as a multifaceted and multi-passionate human equips me to customize your four week stay at Atelier? Creative street cred.
The rationale behind all of the slashes and hyphens included in describing what I do for a living? (Say it with me now…)
As a brand strategist/designer, web designer/developer, (copy)writer, and singer/songwriter, it’s fair to say I’ve been around the block a time or two. Sure, I’ve transformed many a dream into a thriving brand, but I’ve also:
→ Chased the childhood dream of moving to Nashville and becoming a so-called “star,” only to find it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.
→ Crafted my own personal brand as a singer/songwriter from the ground up, then came to the realization that impact was equally well-served on others’ creative businesses and personal brands (read: yours!).
→ Hard pivoted from ‘singer/songwriter trying to stay true to herself in an industry that encourages everything but’ to ‘back-in-the-hometown multi-hyphenate.’
→ Built the branding studio and the community of creative wonders (again, read: the likes of you), shifted from a fast-lane-dweller to a slow-living-aficionado, and built a life that feels good to my nervous system.
And all of this has been an exercise in becoming increasingly more of who I want to be, prompted by equal parts alignment and action.
Because that’s the thing of it: We design much of our own lives, and we do that by advocating for the Future Version(s) of Us. We intentionally act in favor of the people we hope to become and the businesses we hope to will build as that human.
At Atelier, you and I design together. We take the creative street cred we’ve accumulated between the two of us, and we catalyze it into someone that looks and *feels* a whole lot like the Future Version of You.
packing my bags, as we speak
"It was as if I could tangibly feel your intention and effort. I never doubted that you were committed to being as thorough as possible. I felt so affirmed and important. I haven't been this confident saying what I do in a long time. You are truly brilliant at digging deeper into my brain dumps and highlighting important key things. You were absolutely made for this!"
where do i sign?
"The experience was far more than I could have dreamt up. From the first time I opened up Atelier and saw how intentionally crafted it was to the support you offer with open communication on Slack to the care-filled questions you ask... I was constantly amazed. I would pay five times the cost of this experience knowing now all that it has done for me."
where do i sign?
8X brand experience audits
2X 60 minute 1:1 coaching calls + recordings
24/7 Slack access for workshopping + coaching
Unlimited reviews + feedback
Exclusive Notion dash
Customized action plan
Atelier workbook
make your res
$1800 USD
2-6 month, no-interest payment plans available
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